Celestial Wisdom and Cosmic Guidance

A chart summarizing the significance of each house

A chart summarizing the significations of each house:

1stSelf-image, personality, physical appearance, health, vitality, temperament, attitude, ego, and outlook on life
2ndWealth, income, assets, possessions, values, self-worth, family lineage, speech, food habits, and sensory pleasures
3rdCommunication skills, intellect, learning abilities, curiosity, siblings, neighbors, short trips, hobbies, courage, and initiative
4thHome, family, mother, emotions, security, comfort, roots, heritage, land, vehicles, and happiness
5thCreativity, self-expression, romance, love affairs, children, entertainment, hobbies, sports, gambling, and speculation
6thlitigation, health, daily work routine, service, conflicts, and obstacles
7thMarriage, spouse, partnerships, business associates, contracts, agreements, legal matters, and public relations
8thTransformation, death, rebirth, inheritance, taxes, debts, losses, secrets, occult matters, sexuality, and regeneration
9thHigher education, wisdom, philosophy, religion, spirituality, ethics, morals, law, travel, foreign lands, and luck
10thCareer, profession, ambition, authority, status, reputation, responsibility, and social standing
11thHopes, wishes, dreams, goals, aspirations, friends, groups, associations, networks, and income from career
12thThe subconscious mind, hidden talents, secrets, enemies, isolation, solitude, charity, sacrifice, spirituality, and liberation

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