Image representing the Leo zodiac symbolRecommendations for foundational books on Vedic astrology, including classics and modern interpretations.Chart showing examples of significant trines and their interpretationsChart showing examples of significant oppositions and their interpretationsChart showing examples of significant conjunctions and their interpretationsChart showing the zodiac signs and Rahu/Ketu’s placements and corresponding influences Written by AshuastroJuly 9, 2023Image representing the Leo zodiac symbol: Represented by a lion, the term Leo stems from the Latin word for “lion”FacebookTwitterTelegram Explore moreHow will Mars turning direct in Gemini affect your finances, career, health and family dynamics?Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Unleashing the Cosmic Power of Apah’s Waters and Venusian Charisma“Mula Nakshatra: Unraveling the Root of TransformationJyestha Nakshatra: The Eldest and the Protector in Vedic AstrologyAnuradha Nakshatra: The Lotus of Resilience, Friendship, and Spiritual Harmony in Vedic AstrologySwati Nakshatra: The Independent and Adaptive Star of Vedic Astrology