In Vedic astrology, the house numbering system follows a counterclockwise direction, starting from the Ascendant or Lagna. Here’s an overview of the house numbering system:
In the birth chart, the Ascendant or Lagna, which represents the rising sign at the time of birth, is placed in the 1st house. The remaining houses follow counterclockwise around the chart.
Please note that this is a simplified textual representation of the division of the birth chart into houses. In practice, birth charts are more detailed and include additional information such as the placement of planets and aspects between them. Consulting a professional astrologer or using astrology software can provide you with an accurate visual representation of the birth chart.
- First House (Lagna or Ascendant): The first house represents the self, physical body, personality, and overall outlook on life. It is the most important house in the birth chart as it sets the stage for the rest of the houses.
- Second House: The second house is associated with wealth, possessions, speech, family, self-worth, and material resources. It reflects one’s financial status, family background, and personal values.
- Third House: The third house relates to communication, siblings, short journeys, skills, courage, and self-expression. It represents one’s communication abilities, relationship with siblings, and personal initiatives.
- Fourth House: The fourth house represents home, family, roots, emotions, real estate, and inner foundations. It signifies one’s domestic life, ancestral heritage, and emotional well-being.
- Fifth House: The fifth house is associated with creativity, romance, children, education, and speculative ventures. It reflects one’s creative pursuits, romantic relationships, and potential for children.
- Sixth House: The sixth house represents health, work, service, conflicts, and enemies. It reflects one’s physical well-being, work environment, and ability to overcome challenges.
- Seventh House: The seventh house relates to partnerships, marriage, relationships, and legal matters. It signifies one’s approach to relationships, business partnerships, and the potential for marriage.
- Eighth House: The eighth house is associated with transformation, occult sciences, inheritance, and shared resources. It reflects major life changes, hidden aspects, and matters related to inheritance or joint finances.
- Ninth House: The ninth house represents spirituality, higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, and beliefs. It reflects one’s quest for knowledge, spiritual inclinations, and long journeys.
- Tenth House: The tenth house relates to career, profession, social status, reputation, and achievements. It signifies one’s professional life, ambitions, and public recognition.
- Eleventh House: The eleventh house represents gains, social networks, friendships, and aspirations. It reflects one’s social circle, a network of friends, and fulfillment of desires.
- Twelfth House: The twelfth house relates to spirituality, solitude, the subconscious mind, hidden enemies, and foreign lands. It reflects one’s inner world, spiritual practices, and experiences in foreign countries.
The house numbering system provides a structure for analyzing the different areas of life represented by each house. By examining the placement of planets in specific houses and their interactions, astrologers gain insights into an individual’s experiences, strengths, challenges, and potential outcomes in various aspects of life.