Celestial Wisdom and Cosmic Guidance

Chart for Tithi its Devta and significance

Here’s a chart showing the Tithes, their ruling deities, and their significance:

TithiRuling DevtaSignificance
PratipadaAgni (Fire God)Full Moon day is associated with completion, fulfillment, and divine blessings. It is considered auspicious for performing rituals, meditation, and seeking blessings for emotional well-being and spiritual growth.
DwitiyaBrahmaFavorable for seeking knowledge, education, and intellectual pursuits.
TritiyaGauri (Goddess Parvati)Associated with growth, creativity, and fertility. It is considered auspicious for agricultural activities and artistic endeavors.
ChaturthiGaneshaDedicated to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It is considered auspicious for starting new ventures and seeking blessings for success and prosperity.
PanchamiNagas (Serpent Gods)Associated with fertility, protection, and healing. It is considered auspicious for addressing health issues and seeking blessings for overall well-being.
ShashthiKartikeya (Lord Murugan)Associated with courage, strength, and victory over challenges. It is considered auspicious for overcoming obstacles and seeking blessings for success in endeavors.
SaptamiSurya (Sun God)Associated with vitality, power, and enlightenment. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for good health, strength, and overall well-being.
AshtamiDurgaDedicated to Goddess Durga, the divine feminine energy. It is considered auspicious for seeking protection, strength, and blessings for overcoming challenges and obstacles.
NavamiSaraswatiAssociated with knowledge, wisdom, and learning. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for educational pursuits, creative endeavors, and overall intellectual growth.
DashamiVishnuDedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and sustainer. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for protection, harmony, and spiritual growth.
EkadashiVishnu (specifically Lord Krishna)A highly auspicious day for fasting, spiritual practices, and devotion. It is associated with purification, self-discipline, and seeking spiritual enlightenment.
DwadashiRudra (Lord Shiva)Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for liberation, transformation, and spiritual growth.
TrayodashiDurga (specifically Mahalakshmi)Associated with abundance, wealth, and prosperity. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for financial stability, material growth, and overall well-being.
ChaturdashiShiva (specifically Lord Shiva)Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the supreme consciousness. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for spiritual growth, liberation, and inner transformation.
PurnimaChandra (Moon God)New Moon Day is dedicated to honoring ancestors and seeking their blessings. It is considered auspicious for performing ancestral rituals, and spiritual practices, and seeking blessings for protection, guidance, and overall well-being.
AmavasyaPitru Devatas (Ancestors)Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver, and sustainer. It is considered auspicious for seeking blessings for protection, harmony, and spiritual growth.

Please note that the significance mentioned above is a general interpretation of each tithi. The actual significance and rituals associated with each tithi may vary based on regional customs, traditions, and individual beliefs. Additionally, the ruling deities may vary in different interpretations and lineages of Vedic astrology.


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